- Born 1973 in Neukirchen/Lower Austria
- Nationality: Austrian
- Growing up in the country in the Semmering region, near the mountains and at the "gates" of Vienna
- After spells away from home, now back in the area and living near home town
- Married with a son
- Working languages: German and Austrian
- Trainer, coach, management consultant and personality developer
Beruflicher Werdegang
- Trainer for over 25 years for:
- Weight Watchers Austria
- Companies in the tourism industry, of every shape and size
- In tourism since the 1990s:
- Head of incoming tourism department
- Marketing and sales
- Strategic destination development
- Entrepreneur since 2005 – the last stations:
- Managing partner of conos gmbh, Austria – www.conos.at
- Founder and leader of leaderswork consulting gmbH, Austria
- Cooperation: diavendo trainer
- Ongoing professional development:
- EcoC-, persolog-, Profiler und NLP-Ausbildung, wing wave Coach
Pursuits and passions
The topic of travel, no matter where to but ideally always to a new destination, has been with me for a long time and is always enriching. I find relaxation with a good book or walking/running in nature, it clears my head. As an Austrian, skiing in winter is almost a “duty”. Music in all its facets also contributes to my positive attitude towards life.
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